How to Get more Pressure Washing Leads than you can Handle

Congratulations friend.

If you’re here reading this article, then you have graduated from working IN your business, to ON your business.

From scraping by day to day, to completely booking out and hiring another crew.

From ‘side hustle’, to multiple 5 figures a month yourself PREDICTABLY and SUSTAINABLY.

Let me show you how I did it.

But first a little backstory.

Flashback to me freshly graduating college with a business degree. Did I know what I wanted to do? No. Did I have any idea where to start? No. In fact, I took a job working at an Ice rink for the holiday season making $12 an hour PART TIME. This meant I worked 3 to 4 6 hour shifts a week and made $300 or so dollars PER 2 weeks.

I’m literally embarrassed to type this, but for 2 months of work I very clearly remember getting my final pay stub and seeing total money at $1,300.

1.3k for 2 MONTHS. What a joke!

Right at this time I heard of a friend of a friend that one could make money by pressure washing. Up to $300 a job supposedly!

It sounded too good to be true.

But let me just say- It wasn’t.

At the time of my writing this I just did a roof job for 1.6k in CASH that took me 1.5 days to do. – Making my hourly rate well over $100 an hour!

I now comfortably work 3-4 days a week and make more in 1 day what I made in 2-3 WEEKS at my other job.

All while showing up when I wanted, leaving when I wanted, and even working where I wanted.

I now have the ability and freedom to turn down ANY job or customer I don’t want too work with. And it’s fantastic.

But how did I do it?

It all comes down to 1 thing.


Getting Leads for your Pressure wash/Gutters/Roof business

Let me ask you a quick question.

Does McDonald’s make the best hamburger in the world?

If you’re a normal person that does not live under a rock, the answer is a resounding, NO.

But why are they a Billion dollar brand? How can they sell billions of burgers?

The same answer as above. Marketing.

They have simply figured out HOW much it costs them to acquire a customer, and charge the customer more than it took to acquire them.

In easy numbers this looks like; spend $1 on marketing/advertising and make $2 back.


But how do these numbers translate into your power washing, roof cleaning, gutter cleaning business?

Great question, and this depends on your area, how much you charge, how good your marketing is, how profitable your offers are and MUCH more.

But here are my numbers. (on the SAFE side, we have had campaigns run with $1.72 cost per message with but closing 1/5 is still pretty good with those numbers)

Note I target homes, some of you target apartments and business and should expect MUCH better numbers than mine, I am pretty darn confident about how to scale and make your business profitable but by no means do I have all the answers.

Average campaign Cost Per Message $3-6 sometimes up to $15 (ONLY for high ticket jobs)

Average messages booked – 20% (1/5)

Average Cost Per Customer/Jobs = $5 (per message) x 100 divided by 20(% of booking) = $25 per job for this campaign.

Technically long as we make above this number we are profitable. But then we get into margins which is a bit more complicated then we need for right now.

All you need to know is right now for my business I spend $25 per job and for roof cleanings for example our minimum is $499 per job all the way upwards of $1,600.

Would you spend $25 and make $100, $500, or even $1500 back?

Of course you would.

That’s a stupid question.

So my next question for you is when are you going to start advertising your business?

The above numbers are VERY achievable, especially when you have the right tools which I’m going to send you FOR FREE.

Side note- All this was done with Facebook ads. There are MANY options for advertising including but not limited to Youtube, Google, Yelp, Homeadvisor (yuck), Nextdoor, and craigslist to name the ones at the top of my head.

I’m a firm believer in testing and I’ll hopefully test some more of those other options a bit more but right now with facebook we are seeing $% ROAS ##

Which I’m pretty darn happy with.

So if you want to see my top 5 favorite ads I currently run for myself and clients CLICK here NOW, put in your email and I’ll send you ads that you can literally just copy and paste and start using TODAY.

Stay tuned for more articles just like this and get exclusive insights, what we’re using right now to make money, latest videos and more SUBSCRIBE, you won’t regret it.
